Treatment and Rehabilitation of Spine Injuries in Virginia

The Spine Center of Hampton Roads Orthopaedics Spine & Sports Medicine is dedicated to individualized patient care emphasizing available treatment options to meet each patient’s specific needs. We take a team approach to the treatment and rehab of spine injuries. Our spine specialist team consists of highly-trained orthopaedic and interventional pain management physicians, specialized physical therapists and spine diagnostics testing at our state-of-the-art Open Multi-Positional MRI Center.


Hampton Roads Orthopaedics Spine & Sports Medicine in Hampton Roads, VA offers a variety of treatment options for spine injuries. Depending on your individual needs, our experienced providers may recommend a multi-faceted approach to treatment, combining some of the following treatment options:


Our surgeons are experienced in performing a variety of surgical spine procedures and have helped countless patients overcome their back pain and get back to doing the things that they love. We ensure that our patients feel supported through every step of the surgical process, from preparation to recovery, and receive great spine care. For more information about our surgeries, see our surgery guide. Our surgical spine procedures include:

Posterior Decompression and Fusion surgery targets pain caused by degradation or slippage of a disc in the lower back. Our surgeon makes a posterior incision at the back of the neck and removes the areas of the disc that are causing nerve irritation to the spine. Fusion then occurs when a bone graft is placed between two vertebrae, which stabilizes the spine.

Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion surgery treats nerve pain caused by a herniated disc in the cervical spine. The surgery is performed by removing the irritated parts of the disc through an incision at the front of the lower neck. Fusion is then used so that, as healing occurs, the vertebrae grow into one piece of bone, stabilizing the spine.

A Lumbar Microdiscectomy surgery treats a herniated disc in the lumbar spine by removing the part of the disc that is irritating or inflaming the nerve root. More often than not, a lumbar microdiscectomy is performed to relieve leg pain rather than lower back pain. To perform the surgery, our surgeon makes a small incision in the lower back using microscopic surgical instruments. The surgeon then carefully navigates around the nerve root and removes the herniated portion of the disc. Successful microdiscectomy surgery eases pressure on the spine. Patients typically experience pain relief directly after a microdiscectomy, though it will take a couple of weeks to a month to heal completely.

Posterior Cervical Fusion surgery stabilizes the cervical spine to relieve pain and pressure in the upper back and neck. This surgery is performed to either straighten the cervical spine or stabilize the spine due to a fracture, dislocation or abnormality. Our surgeon makes an incision at the back of the lower neck. The surgeon then places a bone graft on the affected vertebrae. As healing progresses, the vertebrae join together through fusion, creating stability. Full recovery from Posterior Cervical Fusion surgery may take a few weeks. Your doctor at Hampton Roads Orthopaedics Spine & Sports Medicine may recommend physical therapy following the procedure in order to ensure full range of motion and healing.

Posterior Foraminotomy and Discectomy surgery is predominantly used to treat a herniated disc due to cervical degenerative disc disease. The purpose of cervical discs in the neck is to absorb shock and protect the bones in the spine from touching as the neck moves. As these discs break down, patients may experience nerve pain and neck pain. During a posterior foraminotomy and discectomy procedure, a surgeon at Hampton Roads Orthopaedics Spine & Sports Medicine will make an incision in the back of the neck and gently set the muscles aside to have access to the spine. The surgeon will then thoroughly examine the discs and spine, and remove any bone spurs, bulging disc materials and other abnormalities that cause neck and nerve pain. Following the procedure, patients will feel some soreness and mild discomfort, and should avoid strenuous activity. Patients can resume regular activity after a few weeks.

Anterior and Posterior Scoliosis Fusion surgery is a complex spinal procedure that aims to reduce the curve in the spine caused by scoliosis and prevent the curve from progressing further. During this procedure, our surgeon will first make an anterior (front) incision from the side of the chest to remove disc material and make the spine more flexible for the posterior portion of the procedure. During the posterior (back) part of the procedure, our surgeon will access the spine from the back, and insert metal rods, hooks, screws or wires to straighten the spine and make it rigid, preventing curvature in the future. Because this is a complex spinal procedure, patients must usually stay at the hospital for approximately 7 days after the surgery, and take pain medication to manage discomfort. The spine will appear straighter immediately after the procedure— however, the full results begin to appear after 1 year, as it takes time for the spinal bones to fully fuse.


In addition to surgical procedures, our team at Hampton Roads Orthopaedics Spine & Sports Medicine offers minimally-invasive procedures. These spine care procedures include:

Nerve root blocks are minimally-invasive procedures used to treat spinal nerve pain. During this procedure, a member of our team will inject a combination of anesthetic and steroids near the affected nerve in the spine. By using both anesthetic and steroids, inflammation surrounding the nerve is reduced, and the fibers that communicate pain to the brain are blocked, resulting in less overall pain and discomfort. Nerve root blocks can also serve a diagnostic purpose, and allow our team to determine whether further surgical procedures are needed to alleviate spinal nerve pain. Patients may feel slight discomfort at the injection site and some tingling in the legs, chest, back or arms following the procedure. Patients should avoid strenuous activity for at least 24 hours after the procedure, and communicate with their doctor at Hampton Roads Orthopaedics Spine & Sports Medicine if their nerve pain does not improve after 7-10 days.

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